My Views on the SCA

Thoughts and opinions about the SCA. Including rants, raves and reviews. General notes on my SCAdian life.

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(SCA Persona)-- A Jute, born in the great and fine lands of Juzki (Jutland), I was raised to be a metalsmith but learned to wage battle to protect my home lands. As life went on I saw a need to go forth and crush those that would someday try to take our lands. Now I live by my sword and get paid in plunder. It is a fitting life.. My the gods look down on me with favor. Hearing news of an army from the south advancing north, I and fellow kinsmen took to the ships. We sailed south and west along the coast and down the Elbe. We joined with the armies to push back the advancing Romans. For many years I fought as a mercenary against Rome. With plenty of gold, weapons and armor taken from my enemies I took back to the ship. Sailing from Gaul I made my way north to the island of Britian where I met the people of the crow. Clanne Preachain took me in as one of their own and by their side is where I fought for many years. One day I may find myself in my homelands but for now life is good. I have even married a woman of Anglesey, but she is from a land north of my homelands. She came by way of ship to ply her trade with the spear. Now I fight by her side and with her people.

Friday, March 16, 2007

Medieval Sword Fighting and how it relates to SCA Heavy Combat

So, after several years of SCA fighting in wars and clan events I decided to take it a little more seriously. I decided to treat it like a sport instead of something I do for fun once in a while. I don't fight tourney and since I started attending practices I have found that there is much to learn. I decided to supplement what I learned from people at practice with personal research and training. The reason being, I don't want to just learn what the people I am training with want to teach. I want to develop a style of my own that has a period feel but can give me an edge over the people who just fight with what they were show at SCA practices.

There appear to be two basic styles common among SCA fighters. I am not sure of the proper terms for the styles since I have heard many names for the same styles. It seems that information from Duke Paul of Bellatrix is very popular. I was given a CD with his training web page on it. I will probably use some of the information he gives. Then there is "Trompe L'oeil 2nd Edition (Trick of the Eye) Advanced techniques in SCA combat Second Edition" Written and illustrated By Duke Sir Patrick Devilin Of DarkWrath Keep. I have not read this book and have not found anyone that has read it. I can't justify $55 dollars for a book that I can't get reviews on and is not distributed by a retail publisher.

So, SCA Heavy Combat evolved as a sport and not a martial art. The players learned things that worked for what they were playing, with little or no research into period fighting fighting styles. The research into Medieval Western European martial arts has grown and there are several books available on the subject.

I am going to give my opinions on three that I have read or attempted to read. My review is how these books relate to SCA Heavy Armor combat and not as a scholarly work. These are also my opinions and we all know that "opinions are like ass holes, every has one and they usually stink."

Starting with my favorite first.

Medieval Swordsmanship: Illustrated Methods and Techniques

Publisher: Paladin Press; 1 edition (October 1, 1998)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1581600046
ISBN-13: 978-1581600049

This book has information on shields and weapons of the period. It covers stance, blocks and attacks. Most illustrations are shown with a round center grip which I find to be great. There is a section on training and pell work. It translates well to SCA fighting. I really think this is a great book.

Medieval Sword & Shield: The Combat System of Royal Armouries MS I.33

Publisher: Chivalry Bookshelf (February 1, 2004)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1891448439
ISBN-13: 978-1891448430

This work is a translation of the MS I.33 manuscripts. The information is good but not well presented and there are problems with the way they interpret the foot work. The concepts are good but all illustrations are with buckler and you have to figure out how to use the information with the type of shield with which you fight. It can be translated into usable information for SCA Heavy Combat but would probably be great for a fencer. It is an OK piece of work. There is definitely usable information.

English Martial Arts

Publisher: Anglo-Saxon Books (September 1, 2002)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1898281297
ISBN-13: 978-1898281290

Fencers have at it. The information here is how to fight more than sword and shield work. The information does not translate well to SCA fighting. Example, You can not step on your opponents weapon in SCA combat and you can not kick your opponent. A descent book but not good for the SCA fighter.

I hope some of this information was of use.

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Blogger Holly said...

I do agree with most of what you have to say.

My husband DOES have Trompe L'oiel. It's very technical, centering on pure physics and the physiologic parameters that can be used to fool the eye in much the way an illusionist does. It is not a "Sport" manual, in terms of "Do X drill Y number of times" or "This is how to throw a wrap shot." Its more about analysis and the mental processes involved in reading and manipulating your opponent.

March 1, 2011 at 5:24 PM  
Blogger Chenny said...

Hi, you can find some text examples from Trompe L'oiel here

I am actually interested in studying those physic parts of the book but i didnt find out where to buy or get this book yet.

January 20, 2013 at 1:32 AM  

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