My Views on the SCA

Thoughts and opinions about the SCA. Including rants, raves and reviews. General notes on my SCAdian life.

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(SCA Persona)-- A Jute, born in the great and fine lands of Juzki (Jutland), I was raised to be a metalsmith but learned to wage battle to protect my home lands. As life went on I saw a need to go forth and crush those that would someday try to take our lands. Now I live by my sword and get paid in plunder. It is a fitting life.. My the gods look down on me with favor. Hearing news of an army from the south advancing north, I and fellow kinsmen took to the ships. We sailed south and west along the coast and down the Elbe. We joined with the armies to push back the advancing Romans. For many years I fought as a mercenary against Rome. With plenty of gold, weapons and armor taken from my enemies I took back to the ship. Sailing from Gaul I made my way north to the island of Britian where I met the people of the crow. Clanne Preachain took me in as one of their own and by their side is where I fought for many years. One day I may find myself in my homelands but for now life is good. I have even married a woman of Anglesey, but she is from a land north of my homelands. She came by way of ship to ply her trade with the spear. Now I fight by her side and with her people.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Storvick Baronial Birthday

Now is the time.
What time is that, you ask? Well, it is time to talk about last weekend.
What happened last weekend, you ask? Well, stop asking questions and I will tell you.

Last weekend Oona and I went to the Storvick Baronial Birthday event.
The event was a Viking Raid theme. The fighting was all melees, all day. The fighting was styled around a campaign scenario. The outcome of one event decided what the next event would be. It worked out fairly well. The Atlantia army was the Viking invaders. I fought with the Galatians and Anglesey on the visitor’s side during the first 2 battle scenarios. The first was a beach assault that was played out 3 times. Then a field battle played out 3 times. The Vikings lost all battles. So, Galatia and Anglesey were moved to the Atlantian side. Well, the Vikings (Atlantia) continued to loose the rest of the day, but it was not as much of a slaughter in the later battles. I think they would do better if the fighters learned to fight in small battle units and how to hold lines. They collapsed in on themselves which was hurting them. Or when flanked they would continue forward and get picked off from the sides as they passed. I am not a kingdom man and I am not saying the fighters were bad or harshing on anyone; it is just an observation from working within a small mobile unit. So, enough said about tactics. The day was perfect for fighting and there was plenty of fighting to be had. It was a really great day.

Oona and a friend set up a merchant tent to sell garb they had made. They made some sells but I am not sure Oona is the type of person who could spend a day sitting in a booth. I think she should focus on making us supper spiff garb and I will work on the accessories and camp stuff. There is a new chair design in the works based off historical references and design style. I’ll keep you posted. I will also post on the new coat Oona is making me. I am so excited about new garb.

So, after the fighting we sat through most of court. Then I went to get out of armor. After getting dressed we went to feast late. There was not an announcement about when feast would start and we just noticed no one was around. I do not do the pomp and circumstance stuff well and we felt out of place when everyone seamed to stare at us as we came in. So, basically we did a “eat and run”. I really do not think the feast is my thing. Maybe if it was a Viking style feast like in the sagas. The food was good and a huge thank you to the people who prepared it.

I never made it in to see the A&S display. I wish I had found the time. The feast reminded me why I don’t do events unless they are melee events. I just don’t fit into the “my lord” and “my lady” thing.

Even though I am striving to make my kit as period as possible and now Oona has gotten the bug. She is becoming more than a stick jock. I promise I never tried to change her. She just wanted to create more stuff. I on the other hand was never a good fighter but I enjoy doing it. I also enjoy learning to create things. So, I am creating stuff for us. I was asked recently why I don’t put my stuff in A&S competitions. Well, I am not a scholar and I have not written documentation for any of the things I have made. That got me thinking. Maybe I should try my hand at documentation and enter some stuff in A&S competitions. Maybe it will give me another reason to go to events.

Wow, that was a hard to follow train of thought. See, this is why I don’t think. It is to confusing.

So, this winter will be spent making stuff and documenting it. Watch for me on the field and at the A&S tent. And don’t laugh at my stuff. I plan to be a jack of all trades. ;-p

Well, before I start thinking again, lets do a quick wrap up.
Storvick Baronial Birthday event was great. Thank you to all the people that made it possible. Great to see all of you that I knew there, not a single person made me wish I was not there or think that murder is wrong.
The fighting was great and it kept moving. Only one hold for injury. Great weather. Wonderful time.

Now continue with your lives. I am done here.

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