My Views on the SCA

Thoughts and opinions about the SCA. Including rants, raves and reviews. General notes on my SCAdian life.

My Photo

(SCA Persona)-- A Jute, born in the great and fine lands of Juzki (Jutland), I was raised to be a metalsmith but learned to wage battle to protect my home lands. As life went on I saw a need to go forth and crush those that would someday try to take our lands. Now I live by my sword and get paid in plunder. It is a fitting life.. My the gods look down on me with favor. Hearing news of an army from the south advancing north, I and fellow kinsmen took to the ships. We sailed south and west along the coast and down the Elbe. We joined with the armies to push back the advancing Romans. For many years I fought as a mercenary against Rome. With plenty of gold, weapons and armor taken from my enemies I took back to the ship. Sailing from Gaul I made my way north to the island of Britian where I met the people of the crow. Clanne Preachain took me in as one of their own and by their side is where I fought for many years. One day I may find myself in my homelands but for now life is good. I have even married a woman of Anglesey, but she is from a land north of my homelands. She came by way of ship to ply her trade with the spear. Now I fight by her side and with her people.

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Sapphire Joust

Well, we went to Sapphire Joust. It was going to be my first tourney fighting. We got a little later start then we planned because I had to make poles for our two new wedge tents. This should not have slowed us up to much but I did not count on the lines at Home Depot. So, we get there sometime after 1:30 and we were finished setting up by 3:00am. Sorry to whom ever was camping next to us.

When I woke up at 8:30 I had no energy to get into armor so, it became a non-fighting event for me. Oona left her armor at home because her son wanted to bring a friend and something had to stay behind. We had fun visiting and taking photos. And even the showers were entertaining thanks to the couple on the other side of the wall. Not that anything was going on in there we were just making jokes toward each other.

All in all a fun event and Oona even shopped at Crafty Celts. I know big surprise. It is always good to run into Vortigern when you don't expect it.
Enough talk... Check out the pics....

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Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Bigots of Atlantia

So, it seems that some people think I have a general problem with the populous of Atlantia. Apparently they have gotten this idea from my post. Well, I have a lot of friends that live within the "Kingdom of Atlantia". I even like a few of the Atlantian regulars but it is the bigotry of the general Atlantian that burns the shit out of me.

I am a Jute and the Jutes were a Germanic Celtic tribe. Now some people believe that this puts me out of the time period of the SCA. And there is a general dislike of all celtic personas in the Atlantian kingdom. Yet, somehow the Romans are accepted. The Celts were still in Brition after the Romans left. The germanic celts created France, have you not heard of the Franks? So, why all the celt bashing?

The image that is posted with this blog is from a copy of the Acorn. So, come get me for copyright infrigment. It is the worst cartoon you could post in a publication from a Socitey that is suppose to promote "Honor", "Chivilry" and "Respect".

I am trying to play your game by your rules with a "Barbarian" persona and since it does not fit the limp wrist fop norm of the kingdom the populous can snark freely and it is considered proper behaviour? That is BULLSHIT!!!!!!!!!

So, I am a "Bog Trooper", I am "Preachain" and it looks like now I am also "Anglesey" but I am not Atlantian!!!!!!!

Until the main stream populous becomes a civil populous that tries to uphold the standards of the SCA, I will not be counted among you!

That is my rant for today...........................

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Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Blackstone Raids XVI --- Part 2

Well, back to my tale of fighting in the far off lands of the Barony of Blackstone Mountain in the kingdom of Æthelmearc. Wow, that is a mouth full. So, where was I?
Oh, that’s right we were on the bridge. The last battle was a 15 minute unlimited resurrection battle. You can really tire yourself out in 15 minutes. I fought the whole time without a break except for the walk to res. Going back in I would look for the place that needed a shield or a weak spot to push in the enemy line. I met up with a shield man from the Barony of Black Diamond. And we went to the line together and made a charge. A really nice guy. I did not get their names but we chatted for a bit after the bridge battles. It was the former champion and current champion of the barony. So that was how the bridge battles went.

Now for a 25 minute rest. Oona has gone to get out of armor and planned to shop. I asked her to get my camera for me since she was going past the room. Now, do I fight the next battle? What is the next battle? The story was either a town battle or the usual mine battle. We are there to protect the Blackstone mines. Well, which ever it is to be the way the bales are set up it looks like a meat grinder fight. Not my favorite and I have had a good day so, off with the armor. As I am walking back toward the lodge I see Oona coming back to the field with my camera. I dropped my stuff and took some pics the off to shopping.

So, we head straight to the Dancing Pig. Amber was not there because she was home making more stuff. Bran and Cian were there though. Cian was out on the battle field for the field battles. I was glad he got a chance to fight. Bran was as cheerful as always. So, the object is to buy Oona another cup because you need more than one. I have a china cabinet full myself. Well, Dancing Pig discontinued a design but replaced it with two new designs and some new glazes. You really should check them out. I had to buy a new smaller whiskey jug because I don’t really drink anymore but it is nice to have some on hand to share. Besides the glazing on it was great. Oh and we bought a few other things. Did I mention, they have new designs and glaze colors? I was debating a couple small crow pattern bowls to use for shot glasses or little tea cups. I could not decide and when we went back for them they were gone. I guess that is my punishment for not being decisive.

Bran took the pictures of Oona and me when we returned to find the bowls gone. We also made a tour of all the venders but did not find anything that caught our eye. So, we stood around for a bit talking cameras and other things with Bran. Then Cain introduced us to a gentle from Atlantia. He introduced us as more Atlantian thugs. Now mind you I keep my mouth shut to not offend people but it opened on its own and the words just popped out, “I am not an Atlantian Thug, I am a Bog Trooper Thug.” I guess it came across as rude which was not the intent. The gentle lifted his nose and turned away. Cain, I am sorry for offending your friend. I forget I live in a kingdom with a populace that expects all to kneel to the crown. Not a very historically accurate view of life in the middle ages. This will not be my last “bad barbarian” moment of the evening.

Oh, I need to skip back. Before we went back to Dancing Pig and the photo shoot, we had gone to town for refreshments for the evening and to get some dinner. I have never attended an SCA feast and I did not want to start in a place where I knew no one. I don’t understand the removes and I might eat with the wrong knife or finger or something.

Well, as I saying, we wnet to town and bought some barley pop and stopped for dinner. We decided to eat at “Cozumel Mexican Restaurant” The food was good but they made the worst Margaritas we have ever had the misfortune to drink. They tasted like paint thinner. You have been warned. After dinner we went back and showered and well spent some private time in the room. Then we got all dressed up and went out for a stroll and stopped by the Dancing Pig. You remember that bit from two paragraphs up.

So, after the stroll through the market we went back to the room to refill our refreshments and drop off the camera. Then it is back to our strolling. Feast was breaking up as we passed the hall. We gave greetings to people as they passed and talked to each other. As we went along not really noticing who was passing we hear from a group “Hello”. It was a blond gentle wearing a ring with points on his head. Being the good person I am I returned the greeting with a nice “Hello” and Oona gave a wave. This prompted laughter from the group as they passed. After looking through pictures on the web I think this may have been the king of Æthelmearc. Not really sure but its more than likely. Bad barbarian, bad…….. I say this in jest because I am from a civilization that is known for its trading centers. I am just a little earlier than the Society likes and though we have Kings and warlords they are in a democratic position where the people can oust them if they are bad at the job. Also, in the 6 years I have been doing this I have never done court or that other stuff. I can not tell one pointy hat from another. Maybe I will try to learn.

So, we walk the whole place wondering what to do. People were gathered in groups all over the place but not knowing anyone made it hard to attempt to talk with any of them. Remember how I said all the people on the field were nice and friendly. This seamed to change in the evening. It happens at all SCA events. The groups and people become less accepting of strangers after dusk and even get rude. So, we figure we will go to the bardic circle when it gets going. So, we head back to the room for more refreshments and to hang out until things get going.

Well, we head out to the circle and it is starting to rain and there are only a few people there. We then decide to just call it a night since we were tired and no friends to really party with.

So, we get up on Sunday morning and head home. The drive was un-eventful and we lived so I can tell this tale. I hope it was an enjoyable read.

We will return next year and hopefully with a war band.

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